Jacqueline reclaims her communal labor as an independent scholar-practitioner specializing in critical adult leadership development at the intersection of education and community.

#blackactivistmothering – centers the wisdom of Black mothers to inform critical community-centered practice.

Critical Reflection & Justice Practice

Critically reflective justice begins with the self and understanding that who and what we are cis never disjointed, dissected nor set aside from how we find our way to justice work. The practice involves actively situating and (re)situating our positionality and its proximity to injustice while in solidarity with community. The intentionality of a critically reflective justice practice can lead to new pathways and mindsets toward equitable outputs.

OG Nationbuilders – Original Grandmothers, “…them old Africans” who built thriving communities in spite of dehumanizing oppression.

The Hope Chest project is a journey of generational healing through resurrecting legacies specific to Black women. The Hope Chest rites of passage is a tradition that is both physical and spiritual.